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Pqt Book By Singaravelu

PQT Book by Singaravelu

PQT, or Probability and Queueing Theory, is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of random phenomena and the analysis of systems that involve waiting lines. PQT has applications in various fields such as engineering, computer science, operations research, and statistics.


One of the popular books on PQT is written by Singaravelu, a professor of mathematics at Anna University, Chennai. The book is titled Engineering Mathematics I and it covers topics such as probability distributions, random variables, mathematical expectation, moment generating functions, queueing models, Markov chains, and Poisson processes.

The book is intended for undergraduate students of engineering and it follows the syllabus prescribed by Anna University. The book has 37 ratings and 3 reviews on Goodreads, a website that allows users to rate and review books. The book has an average rating of 3.81 out of 5 stars, which indicates that most readers found it useful and informative.

The book is also available in audio format on SoundCloud , a platform that allows users to stream and share audio content. The audio version of the book is narrated by Ben Sriubas and Michelle, who are students of engineering at Anna University. The audio version has a duration of 12 hours and 34 minutes and it covers all the chapters of the book in detail.

The book by Singaravelu is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to PQT for engineering students. It provides clear explanations, examples, exercises, and solutions to help students master the concepts and applications of PQT. The book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about PQT and its relevance in engineering.


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